Dark Tranquillity : un nouvel album pour la fin de l'année
Dark Tranquillity (Melodic Death Metal - SWE) vient de confirmer la sortie d'un nouvel album intitulé Atoma.
Le nouvel opus des Suédois paraîtra le 4 novembre prochain, via le label Century Media, et succèdera ainsi à Construct (sorti en 2013).
C'est au studio Rogue Music (Gothenburg) que le groupe a décidé de s'enfermer pour l'enregistrement. Une fois ce processus achevé, le travail de mixage sera ensuite confié à David Castillo (Katatonia, Opeth, Candlemass).
La pochette, visible juste en dessous, est signée quant à elle par Niklas Sundin (le guitariste du groupe).
Afin de couvrir la sortie de son nouvel opus, Dark Tranquillity a annoncé par ailleurs le lancement d'une nouvelle tournée dans toute l'Europe, au début de l'année prochaine.
Plus d'informations dans le communiqué officiel ci-dessous :
Sweden's DARK TRANQUILLITY are currently recording their 11th full-length album "Atoma", set to be released on November 4, 2016 through Century Media Records.
The band says: “That's right! We're more than halfway done with the recording of the upcoming album, and it's shaping up to be a diverse and challenging affair that will feature a lot of different aspects of the D.T. sound. It's hard to be more specific while still immersed in the creative process, but we're incredibly excited about the material and can't wait to share the results with all of you soon.”
"Atoma" is being recorded at Rogue Music in Gothenburg, the studio owned by D.T. keyboardist Martin Brändström. Mixing duties will be handled by David Castillo, known for his work with bands such as Katatonia, Opeth and Candlemass. The cover artwork was once again created by the band's guitarist Niklas Sundin.
The touring cycle for "Atoma" will start with a headline North American run in November, featuring Swallow The Sun, Enforcer and Starkill as support acts. A European tour is planned for early 2017."