Proscriptor McGovern (Absu) rejoint Mongrel's Cross ; nouvel album en 2020

Le Max de l'ombre. 29 ans. Rédacteur en chef de Horns Up (2015-2020) / Fondateur de Heavy / Thrash Nostalmania (2013)
Le groupe australien Mongrel's Cross (Thrash/Black Metal) a annoncé que Proscriptor McGovern (Absu) sera le vocaliste de leur prochain album.
Baptisé « Arcana, Scrying And Revelation », ce nouvel opus verra le jour l'an prochain chez Hells Headbangers.
Affaire à suivre, donc.
Le communiqué (en anglais) est à lire ci-dessous.
"It is with great pleasure to announce the entire vocal performance for our upcoming full-length, Arcana, Scrying And Revelation, will be handled by none other than Proscriptor McGovern of Absu fame. Proscriptor has been a huge influence on us, and to have him bless our work is beyond humbling. Over the past few months, we have been conversing with the warrior of Ulster, and his dedication to metal and magic(k) is truly inspiring. You can expect nothing short of perfection with such a master of his craft at the helm."
Leur dernier album, « Psalter of the Royal Dragon Court », est paru en août 2018.