Samael se sépare de son guitariste, Marco Rivao
Le collectif suisse Samael vient d'annoncer le départ de son guitariste, Marco Rivao.
Ce dernier avait occupé cette place pendant 16 ans, et s'est exprimé sur cette séparation via ce comuniqué :
"As some of you might know I've spent the last 16 years playing guitar for Samaël.
During those years I had the chance to meet lots of lovely people/fans, which in some cases turned into friendships, and so this statement goes to all of you.
I've always been a fan of Passage, Rebellion, Ceremony of opposites and when I received a phone call in 2002 from Samaël asking me if I'd like to join the band, it felt like an honor and also a chance to make a living out of music.
All together we’ve shared a great amount of good times and I'd like to thank everyone of you for making these moments real.
Samaël is Vorph and Xy’s story and I've been mostly a live interpreter for their music, and I'd like to thank them too for offering me this opportunity.
Now it is time for me do something different and so I am leaving Samaël.
Vorph, Xy, Drop and all of the outstanding crew members I've worked with during those years are like family to me and so it shall remain.
Thanks again to all of you for making these past years such an awesome journey with Samaēl!"
Le bassiste Thomas Betrisey, surnommé "Drop", va prendre le rôle de guitariste pour le moment pendant que le groupe cherche un nouveau bassiste.
Pour rappel, la chronique du dernier album de Samael, "Hegemony", est lisible sur notre site, juste ici.