Ajattara : nouvel album en mai ; infos et clip vidéo

Le Max de l'ombre. 29 ans. Rédacteur en chef de Horns Up (2015-2020) / Fondateur de Heavy / Thrash Nostalmania (2013)
Le groupe Black Metal finlandais Ajattara sortira son huitième album studio, « Lupaus » , le 12 mai 2017 via Svart Records.
Il a été enregistré en Andalousie, en Espagne, au studio Casa de la Musica.
"The band recorded Lupaus in Andacusia, Spain, in the studio Casa de la Musica in the mountains of Àlora. The arid landscape spawned what can be called Ajattara’s most raw and brutally personal work to date - an ode to the deepest feelings of human suffering and loss. The nine tracks on Lupaus rage and tear at the listener with devilish force. “The fire of artistic creation never goes out, and the years of having to withstand major changes in life only fanned those flames,” comments Ruoja, “so I had no shortage of things to say. Lupaus is six rough years condensed in nine tracks and 50 minutes, played with Satanic fervor and taken to extremes."
Le clip vidéo du titre "Ave Satana" se visionne ci-dessous.
01. Saatanan sinetti
02. Ristinkirot
03. Suru
04. SINÄ
05. Amen
06. Ave Satana
07. Uhrilahja
08. Lupaus
09. Machete