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mercredi 7 septembre 2016

Skyclad : Signature chez Listenable Records, nouvel album annoncé


Skyclad (Folk Metal - Royaume-Uni) vient d'annoncer sa signature chez le label français Listenable Records. Le groupe en profite également pour annoncer un nouvel album, le premier chez Listenable Records donc, qui paraîtra en printemps 2017, sans plus de précisions. Il s'agira du treizième album du groupe, le dernier, "In The... All Together" étant paru en 2009 chez Scarlet Records. Cet prochain album marquera également le retour de l'ancien guitariste du groupe, Dave Pugh.

Quelques mots du lead guitarist, Steve Ramsey, quant à la signature chez Listenable Records :
“We're really looking forward to working with the whole Listenable team. They did a fantastic job for Satan in the past four years, becoming good friends and reliable partners. We're excited to extend this partnership to the Skyclad family.”

Ce dernier en a également profiter pour ajouter quelques mots concernant l'album à venir :
“The new album will contain loads of brand new songs as well as tunes based on demos we recorded around 2011/2012. Some ideas from the mid 1990s that we recently re-discovered might make it to the LP, too!"
“Even though we played a couple of ‘old school shows’ recently, the new LP definitely won’t be a thrash album; but it will be no typical folk metal album either. We’ll use all the options we now have - with three guitarists, additional vocals, fiddle, keyboards, bass and drums - to create an album that will be the same but different. 100% Skyclad!“

Évidemment, nous vous communiquerons plus d'informations sur l'album à venir en temps voulu.